Pet Liability Lingo

Check out this glossary to define all the pet liability insurance buzzwords.

  1. Basic Pet Liability Terms
  2. File a Claim
  3. Liability Policy

Basic Pet Liability Terms

Deductible A deductible is the amount the insurer is responsible to pay out of pocket before the insurer pays out in the case of a claim. Each claim will have its own deductible. The deductible is stated on the declarations page.Premium Premium is the amount paid by the insured each year, and is calculated based on the risk associated with his/her coverage plan. Premiums depend on many factors including the deductible chosen, and incident limits selected.Blacklisted Breeds Some homeowners’ insurance companies will refuse to cover your home if your dog is classified as a blacklisted breed. Typical blacklisted breeds include Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Great Danes, Chows Chows, Siberian Huskies, Staffordshire Terriers, wolf-hybrids, and more. PetPremium will help get your dog insured no matter what the breed!Bodily Injury Bodily Injury refers to any injury or harm to a third party caused by a dog.

File a Claim

Claim A claim is a formal request to your insurance company asking for payment after an incident.Dog bite laws Dog bite laws vary state by state and define the rights and liabilities of both dog owners and victims.Effective date Effective date represents the anticipated date your policy will begin.Incident An Incident occurs when a dog causes bodily injury or property damage to a third party. In case of an incident, you should contact your insurance company immediately.Incident Limit The Incident Limit is the maximum dollar amount your insurance company will pay per incident.Aggregate limit The Aggregate limit will be the maximum your insurance company will pay during the policy period. The policyholder will be responsible for any costs exceeding the incident or aggregate limit.Lapse A lapse occurs at renewal if payment is not processed for the next period.Liability A liability holds you financially responsible in the near future.Negligence Negligence is the failure to appropriately care for your dog or warn others of potential dangers caused by your dog.On & off premises On & off premises refers to where the dog was at the time of the incident, either on your property or not.One Bite Law One Bite Law is a rule stating that owners are held responsible for any injury their pet causes after its first offense.Pet Liability Insurance Pet Liability Insurance is protection from financial liability that may arise if your pet causes property damage or injures a person or animal.

Liability Policy

Policy The policy is the written agreement solidifying the commitment between the insured and the insurer.Policy period Policy period is the time period of coverage as specified on your declarations page.Property Damage Property Damage refers to any damage done to the property of a third party by a dog.Renewal Renewal can only occur at the end of each policy period after the insurance company confirms with you no conditions have charged regarding you or your pet. The pet liability policy will not be automatically renewed.Statute of limitations Statute of limitations is the time period a victim has to take legal action after the incident occurs. In the case of personal injury, including dog bites, the statute of limitations is typically two years.Strict Liability Strict Liability legislates that owners are held responsible for the actions of their pets in all cases, unless their pet was found to have been provoked.Underwriters Underwriters evaluate risk and create insurance policies to suit everyone.

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