5 Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

It is incredibly important to know what foods dogs should not eat. Most people know that dogs and chocolate don’t mix. There are a few other foods that are  toxic to dogs to be aware of.

Foods Dogs Should Not Eat

Why is chocolate bad for dogs? Mixing dogs and chocolate is a bad idea. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to dogs. The darkest chocolates contain the most theobromine. Typically, white and milk chocolate have lower levels of theobromine. Symptoms to lookout for are vomiting, diarrhea and excessive thirst.

Are onions bad for dogs? Onions and garlic are also food toxic to dogs. Many people don’t realize how dangerous it can be to feed their dogs leftovers containing these ingredients. All types of onion and garlic should be avoided. Dehydrated, raw, cooked and powered forms of garlic and onion can all be toxic. These foods can destroy red blood cells. Many veterinarians warn to be cautious with baby foods as well, because many of them contain onion powder. Symptoms of anemia  to look out for are weakness, vomiting and dullness.

Macadamia nuts and dogs Macadamia nuts are seriously toxic to dogs. It only takes a few of these dangerous nuts to make a dog incredibly sick. Symptoms include weakness, vomiting, muscle tremors and paralysis of the hindquarters. Keeping macadamia nuts and other poisonous foods for dogs out of reach is so important.

Dogs and caffeine Any items or drinks containing caffeine are considered toxic foods for dogs. Caffeine can even be fatal for dogs if consumed in large amounts. Small dogs  are especially at risk, since they require less caffeine to become ill. Caffeine causes restlessness, heart palpitations and even bleeding. Coffee grounds and beans should be kept high away from exploring pets. Caffeine can also be found in many types of chocolates.

Can dogs eat grapes? Grapes and raisins are foods dogs should never eat. Grapes and raisins are incredibly dangerous. They can actually cause kidney failure in dogs. Early symptoms include mild digestive upset. It is important to notify a veterinarian immediately if one suspects grape or raisin poisoning.

Ultimately, if a dog has consumed any toxic foods, a trip to the vet will be in order. Sometimes, just calling the vet can be enough. A veterinarian may be able to determine the safety of the dog’s health based on how much of a toxic food has been consumed. Knowing what foods dogs should not eat is the first step in making sure they don’t get into trouble. Keeping poisonous foods out of reach of exploring pets is essential, read here some tips to pet-proof your home. If a pet has eaten any toxic foods, early intervention is of the utmost importance.

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